Spic and Span Stainless Steel Appliances

Stainless steel appliances are a nice upgrade for you home. That being said, you need to make them last, which means you need to know how to keep them sparkling.

Kitchenaid Hand Mixer

A routine maintenance schedule should be adhered to about every three or four months depending on how much you use your appliances. Another problem to be addressed is the everyday cleaners that build up on your stainless steel appliances. Knowing how to get this residue off and keep your appliances nice and shiny will keep your appliances looking new for many years to come.

Kitchenaid Hand Mixer

The process is pretty simple, but you will need to purchase a polish specifically formulated for use on stainless steel appliances. Once you have your polishing cream on hand, you can begin the de-gunking process. Go ahead and fill a bucket or pail with warm soapy water. Dish liquid or other nonabrasive cleaners can be used in this step. Something with a degreaser in it will be handy when it comes to getting the grease off of the stove. Now work the cleaning solution into the grain of the stainless steel and then come back at it from the other direction. This will loosen up any stuck-on residues. Dry the appliance with a dry towel.

You are now ready for the next step of the process, the rebirth of the sparkle. When you finish with drying the appliance, it will be dull. Don't be alarmed because the polishing cream you purchased will restore the shine that made you want the stainless steel in the first place. Apply the cream according to the manufacturer directions. Be sure to wipe off any excess polishing cream right away.

Now you can use another dry towel to buff the polishing cream back off. Be sure to wipe with the grain for best results. You may have to really put some elbow grease into getting it as shiny as you would like for it to be. After you know how to de-gunk stainless steel appliances and you do a good job of it, it will be easier the next time you are faced with this task.

Getting the job done right the first time should be your main concern. Don't worry if you can still see a few marks in various places on your appliances. You can always get them the next time now that you know how to do it correctly.

Spic and Span Stainless Steel Appliances
Kitchenaid Hand Mixer

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