Make Outdoor Chair Pads and Beautiful Boxes to Gift Your Loved Ones

There are a number of gift ideas in the world and you have also set up a high budget for your gift but before you purchase an expensive gift from the store, remember that there is one thing that can really make your loved ones happy and that is the hand-made gift that you create by putting in all your efforts and affection. So, there is nothing that can compete with the significance of the hand-made gifts. Therefore, I am teaching you in this article the ways to make two most adorable hand-made gifts.

Kitchenaid Hand Mixer

Beautiful Boxes

Kitchenaid Hand Mixer

Materials: Papier-machine box; Matisse acrylic paint in antique white and antique green; Matisse cracking medium; foam brush; PVA glue; mauve grosgrain ribbon; silk flowers.

Method: Paint box with antique green, allow to dry. Paint box with cracking medium, allow to dry until just tacky, leaving it no more than 12 hours. Apply a thick coat of antique white, avoiding overworking the brush, as this will decrease the cracking effect. Allow to dry. Clue loops of ribbons onto box lid. Cut flower heads and leaves from stems and arrange on top of ribbon. Glue in place.

Outdoor Chair Pads

Material: Large fabric piece of your choice (preferably cotton for outdoor use), thread, scissors and foam pads.

Method: Cut the fabric piece into the shape and size that you wish your chair pads to be. Ideally, you can do this by measuring the size of the chair pad area. After cutting the piece sew it from the three ends, leaving one open to insert the foam. The foam should exactly match the squared cut fabric otherwise trim it to match the size. After inserting it, stitch two small buttons on the fourth opening side and button it up. Don't stitch this side because you might need to change the foam some time in future when it becomes old so it is better to have it buttoned. It will also let you wash the cover of your pad any time you want to by taking out the foam.

Make Outdoor Chair Pads and Beautiful Boxes to Gift Your Loved Ones
Kitchenaid Hand Mixer

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